How to Deliver Successful Apps with Mobile App Development

How to Deliver Successful Apps with Mobile App Development

Businesses who work with mobile app developers in developing their in-house applications are on the right path of ensuring the functionality required to cater to their target users. Apart from providing added value for companies, mobile applications also deliver a customized and easier user experience to customers.

Entering the mobile app market poses difficulties to businesses who are new to the field. With the influx of apps in the market and the number of competitors available in the industry, permeating the scene can come with a number of challenges. However, to keep your advantage in the business, specific mobile app development strategies should be obtained and employed to ensure that successful applications are delivered to users.

Companies who intend to widen their reach should do more than just hire developers. To provide effective, efficient, and highly-adaptable programs for customers, businesses should be involved in every step of the way – from the planning process to the prototyping to the release of the app. In delivering engaging and thriving programs, incorporating the essential development strategies should be widely practiced.

Know Your Audience

To help mobile app developers bring your ideas to life, you must first know the needs of your audience – including their age, hobbies, gender, and the like. Moreover, you must also consider the services lacking or needing improvement in the sector you belong to, alongside aiming to solve the existing problems being experienced by users.

Rather than moving and forcing users to go where you want them to be, a good starting point you could take during the idea description and analysis stage would be focusing on a problem you know people are going through. In the same way, by determining your target audience, you can better provide users with a personalized application that understands their needs.

Focus on User Experience and Engagement

By taking to mind the needs of your audiences, you can focus on creating enhanced user experiences and boost your consumer engagement. While the features and the overall aesthetic of an application play a great role in enhancing the experience of consumers, there are other more important factors that affect the functionality and usability of a program. These include slow image and content loading times, even slower connectivity, and inferior user interface (UI).

Programs that undergo extensive testing and diagnosing allow consumers to gain access to seamless and flawless end results. Refine your program and test it yourself so you can help gauge the refinements that still need to be conducted.

Simplify the Interface

A well-meaning yet cluttered approach in the app’s interface can be off-putting to users. Apart from taking on a disorderly appearance, this can also detract users from maximizing the suite of offerings and features available on the application.

The simplicity of an application helps it become successful in the long run. Besides making important elements stand out, this approach will also pave the way for more convenient and easy navigation. By employing this method, you can encourage trouble-free browsing that allows them to keep using your program.

Improve Security Measures

One of the primary concerns that surround the development of a program is its vulnerability to a slew of cybersecurity issues. From lacking the basic binary protections, insecure placements in data storage to an insufficient layer of protection, these can threaten both users and the business alike. Aside from exposing private information and the risk of grappling with data leaks, these situations can also compromise the trust given to you by your business.

Prevent these incidents from happening by partnering with a dependable team of programmers. Their knowledge and expertise in the industry is key to gaining insight into the type of security and protection that your program needs, thereby fostering increased trust and patronage from your target market.

Platform Accessibility

Two of the biggest platforms today are Android and iOS. By developing a mobile application that works perfectly across these two platforms, you can give your company visibility and traction it deserves.

Platform development greatly relies on the type of devices and systems your company intends to cater to. Besides this, you should also consider the system and platform that can produce a larger number of users. As these mobile applications are made specifically for a type of platform, these can be developed to enhance the features and offerings that your business plans to offer. While developing programs that cater to numerous platforms take a longer time to finish, this may yield a larger number of users for the company in question.

Businesses who want to launch successful programs should consider these strategies and approaches. This way, both the company and app developers Tampa can achieve wonderful outcomes. With customer engagement and seamless user experience at the core of mobile app development, make sure that offerings and features you intend to add in your application address these concerns.



Mobile App Virality

Proven Tips to Achieve Mobile App Virality

In a world where the internet and social media is part of the society’s mainstream consciousness, everybody and everything has the chance to get their fifteen minutes of fame through virality. Seeing that this phenomenon has the potential to boost the exposure of businesses, many marketing managers use viral marketing as a strategy.

For your business, why not make use of one of the trendiest marketing tools? Launching an application and making it viral can be beneficial to your company. Read on to know more about mobile app virality.

Why should I aim to make my mobile app viral?

The first question you might be asking right now is this: why should I seek virality? Being viral has numerous benefits for mobile app developers and business owners alike. Here are just some of the advantages you can enjoy when your application goes viral:

Rapid Reach Expansion

Perhaps the most obvious benefit of having a viral mobile app is the rate at which is gains audiences. Applications that reach virality gets attention at tremendous speeds. Normally, you will need to rely on your marketing strategy to try to gain more users for your app, thus also increasing the reach of your business.

Once your mobile software goes viral, especially because it will enjoy exposure through mainstream and social media. With this, you will see a sudden growth in users, which then translates to your business getting wider exposure.

Reduction of Advertising Expenditure

The best thing about virality is that your app itself becomes its greatest advertisement. One of the most tangible effects of this is you can cut down costs funnelled toward your marketing campaign. Mainstream and social media are one of the most important aspects that minimizes the need for extra marketing funds. As your program and consequently, your business, get coverage from these platforms, you are essentially getting free advertisement.

Reputation Improvement

As more and more individuals download and use your application, you are increasing your chances of getting reviews and ratings from real users. Keep in mind that consumers tend to try out software that has higher ratings. After all, 5 five-star rating seems better than 3- or 4-stars.

Aside from this, you can use the feedback system as a way to find undetected bugs, allowing you to address these issues. Moreover, you can get a pulse on what your users want to see, as well as what they find helpful.

How can I achieve virality of my app?

Now, that you are aware of the benefits virality has to offer, you may be thinking of ways to ensure that your business’ application will reach virality. Before you proceed with the mobile app development process, you want to make sure that your mobile program is designed to go viral. Check out these useful tips for developing the next viral software for your business.

Come Up with a Viable Idea

One of the most important things you should do even before you aim for virality is to make sure that your idea is realistic. You may come up with the best and most useful program for smartphones, but is it achievable? Moreover, will it be perceived positively by your market?

Remember that your target audience is your main clientele, so you need to make sure that it will be appealing, useful and accessible to them. When thinking of a concept, treat it like a business plan. You need to consider the feasibility of the project in order for it to gain traction.

Make Your App an Interactive One

In this modern age, interactivity is an important aspect of formulating various concepts, from mobile app development to social media marketing. Look at it this way: when your program requires or encourages users to interact with their friends and family, then they are likely to recommend it to these individuals.

Use Stunning Visuals

A huge part of the consumer population is made up of Millennials and a large segment of smartphone users are Millennials and Gen Z. It is essential to note that these individuals place a premium on aesthetics. With this in mind, you want to make sure that your software fits their taste for visually appealing elements such as colors, color combination, font faces and other similar aspects.

Provide Incentives for Users

Selling your app is pretty much like promoting your business. You offer incentives to encourage potential consumers to become actual paying customers. Look at what ride-hailing apps did. They offered discounts and promotions to users who manage to persuade their friends to download and use the program. By incentivizing referrals and recommendations, your users can work for your marketing campaign.

During this modern time, taking advantage of the digital culture has become necessary. By following these tips, you are on your way to creating the next viral smartphone software!

Mobile App Development

The Complete Customer’s Guide to Mobile App Development

The apparent growth of mobile users has brought forth the bourgeoning of the mobile app industry. From entertainment, lifestyle, utility, news outlets, to social media platforms, these special applications are gradually filling in every user’s needs.

In commerce, enterprises are swiftly turning to mobile applications in promoting their brands and offering improved customer services. From eCommerce, retail, manufacturing, to hospitality, nearly every sector has a multitude of mobile apps that perfectly promote their specializations.

With the apparent swell in the demand of these applications, app development has begun to enter and took the scene by storm.

What Is Mobile App Development?

To simply explain, this refers to the act or set of processes involved in writing software for mobile devices.

Generally, mobile app developers write software to take advantage of the unique features a device has, such as the iPhone’s accelerometer. During the early years, developers are only capable of building an application natively for a device. This means that the code is specific to that device’s processor. However, as technology progresses and new ideas shed light into more advanced procedures, developers can now build apps that are device-agnostic. This means that the software can now work with various operating systems and different types of devices.

The Process of App Development

Believe it or not, the mobile app development process isn’t rocket science. Generally, there are different stages that come with the process of building software. This includes:


All apps start with discovery. In this phase, developers and entrepreneurs will work closely together to identify the needs and weaknesses of the company, as well as the demands of the customers. This will enable the team to have a clear vision of the project and its objectives.


This part involves the assessment of all the data, analytics, and other information gathered to come up with a concise development plan. After a thorough review of all the gathered pieces of information, the development team can now proceed with wireframing and technical feasibility assessment.


This phase focuses on building a rapid prototype that will allow stakeholders to get a touch of the envisioned application. They are basically a way for business owners to experience their half-baked software for more realistic testing. This will enable the developers to have valuable insights regarding the development process.


This phase involves a series of development processes. This includes incorporation of functionality, light testing, and bug testing.


This phase focuses on testing the application for compatibility, security, and performance. It is usually done by letting a few chosen people use the app and let them answer a few related questions. This will enable the developers to know whether the app is now ready for deployment or not.


Once everything has been settled and the mobile app has been given the approval of the business owner, it is now ready to be launched and introduced in the market.

The Benefits of App Development

Investing in mobile app development provides businesses with a wide array of potentials and benefits. In particular, here are a few advantages you must know once you invest in the process:

Builds brand recognition

Developing a customized application for your business is an effective way to build brand awareness. Since mobile devices are globally in-demand and almost everyone owns at least one, it is easier to access potential customers and maintain your digital presence. Be it on the subway, at homes, offices, schools, to any place you could think of, software applications can help make your brand become more visible anytime, anywhere.

Increases customer engagement

Mobile applications enable you to create a closer relationship with your customers. Be it in the form of updates, info blasts, messengers, or inquiry guides, mobile applications allow you to connect with your clients with less effort and hassle. Additionally, it also allows you to access client details and receive feedback, which can help cultivate customer loyalty.

Stand out from the competition

The emergence of the digital age has brought forth more antagonistic market competitions. However, by developing customized software that can provide superior services to customers, you can easily make a name for your brand and stand out from the rest.

Improves flexibility

Be it online or offline, through Apple or Android, mobile apps can help you promote your products and services efficiently. Through the help of the experts, your business can easily come up with the right software that will enable you to connect with any customer across the globe without any drawback.


Engaging in mobile application development helps you keep up with the fast-changing digital realm. By getting in touch with the right software developers, you can expect that your business is sure to make its way on top of the market.

Contact the best mobile app developers in Miami today.



Monetization Methods for Mobile Apps

8 Tested Monetization Methods for Mobile Apps

Individuals and organizations have many reasons for investing in app development. For some people, companies, and non-profits, these applications often serve as a platform for brand awareness. But others engage in developing applications as a tool to earn a profit.

The Multibillion Mobile App Market

The mobile application market is worth billions. Analysts project the industry to grow further at substantially higher rates with CAGR of 15.14% from 2017 to 2021. This astounding growth is driven by the continuous surge in the number of smartphone users across the world. The falling prices of phones, even as its underlying technology improves considerably also contribute to the steady growth of the mobile app development industry.

This expanding market also opens increased employment or business opportunities for developers. According to estimates by Sensor Tower, the Apple App Store raked in $38.5 billion in revenue in 2017, an increase of 34.7% over the 2016 figure. In the same year, Google Play Store earned around $20.1 billion, posting a 34.2% growth from the last year. Combined, the revenue of both app marketplaces valued at around $58.7 billion in that year.

These numbers rose further in 2018 when the mobile app market reached $92.1 billion. Experts expect this figure to expand further as more and more people are gaining access to smartphones. They expect the increase in adoption of handheld devices in India and China will drive more growth in smartphone use, which is seen to reach 3.8 billion by 2021.

Ways to Monetize Mobile Apps

The growing demand for smartphone applications creates multiple money-making opportunities. There are many ways to monetize from mobile applications. Here are some of them:

  • Advertisements – Marketers are on the hunt for platforms or avenues for better brand visibility. One of the best methods nowadays is by putting ads on popular applications. These professionals can promote their brands through various advertising options, which include:
    • Interstitial or full-screen ads – These advertisements are typically found at natural pause points, such as between menus.
    • Notification ads that pop up in the status bar of smartphones and tablets to better catch the attention of its presence.
    • Capture form that offers incentives such as points and freebies for users who key-in their email addresses.
    • Advanced overlay – Like interstitial ads, these are placed in transition points but are more interactive instead of being simple clickable images.
    • Banner ads are popular promotional tools that you can find at the top or bottom section of the screen.
    • Text ads – Merely composed of words, these ads contain links that redirect to the site of your advertisers.

Once your mobile app developer integrated the ads, you only need to focus on marketing your application to multiply your user base.

  • Freemium – With this model, you will allow users to download a version with limited functionalities of your app for free. If they find your app useful, they can purchase the full version.


  • Subscriptions – This model allows your users to use some features or consume content provided they will pay a subscription fee every month for continuous access. Of course, you should give them the option to unsubscribe.


  • Affiliate Marketing and Lead Generation – For mobile applications, affiliate marketing means you can get a commission fee whenever a mobile app you are marketing gets downloaded, or users perform a specific action with an app using the link placed inside your app. A variation of this method is lead generation, where instead of selling products or services, marketers aim to capture the contact information of users who are interested in buying certain products or services.


  • Sponsorships – If you were able to build a huge user base, you could ask for sponsorships from some significant companies. You can get a substantial sum of money in exchange for posting their logo or other branding materials.


  • Donations – If you think your app can solve the problems of your users, you can ask for donations via crowdfunding sites such as IndieGoGo, GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Patreon. This monetization technique is an excellent alternative for advertisements, which can annoy your users with notifications and pop-ups.


  • SMS Marketing – Even though SMS marketing seen as obsolete, using this channel can still attract active engagement. To monetize via this channel, you need to use tap databases of contacts of smartphone users. By sending a well-written text message, you can promote your app or sponsors. Just keep in mind to avoid distracting recipients, by sending polite, direct-to-the-point messages, preferably with some humor.


  • Rewarded Ads – This option works best in mobile gaming apps. Through this model, the user needs to watch a 30-second ad to unlock or acquire something special, such as doubling his coins or points, providing extended health or playing time, or any other feature which will benefit the player.

With the help of mobile app developers in Orlando, you can use any of the monetization methods to cash in from your application. Just make sure to select the one that fits your application.


Mobile App Development

How Millennials Shape the Future of Mobile App Development

The millennial generation – roughly born between 1981 to 1996 – comprise a large part of the population today. As a matter of fact, research shows that millennials are now major contributors to the workforce, which gives them a greater command of consumerism and purchasing power in society. By extension, this ability to purchase affects the effectivity of mobile marketing and mobile app development.

With the majority of millennials relying more on their mobile devices and gadgets – from working from home to communicating digitally with peers and superior – it cannot be denied that the future of development and design must evolve to accommodate the needs of this market.

To keep up with the changing needs of the times, mobile app developers must find effective ways of reaching out to millennials. After all, in many ways, the ideas and needs of this generation are already deeply rooted in the way a mobile app is designed to perform. With this generation considered as the driving force behind numerous applications and programs on the market today, it comes as no surprise that these individuals are attracted to technologies and innovations that allow them fast and easy access to information.

Below are the ways millennials shape the future of mobile app design and development today.

Varying Expectations in System Designs

Studies reveal that this specific group of people often let their consumer buying behavior and expectations influence their decision-making position. In the same way, users from the same age group reveal that they have increased expectations from the technologies and programs they purchase.

As an audience that has been exposed to the increasing height and demand for technology, these individuals have a different set of standards and varying expectations when it comes to the applications they use. These individuals want a faster and seamless user experience; therefore, they are less tolerant of poorly designed programs and even less accommodating for poor user experiences.

Aside from this, millennials also expect to be in control over their in-app usage, only relying on customer assistance when the need arises. This means that both mobile and online programs should be designed in a simpler and more accessible manner, providing a flawless experience for all users. For companies and businesses to reach this specific target market, they should also adjust their application designs through the help of app developers in Fort Lauderdale.

Different Approach to Consuming Content

Millennials are much more comfortable in consuming content in a variety of ways – from reading a physical newspaper or magazine to reading about this on their smartphones and tablets. However, living an on-demand lifestyle, this generation tends to prefer content in a more convenient and on-the-go manner.

Rather than leaving consumers to fend for themselves, businesses and developers alike must leverage their services and offerings to meet not only the expectations of these people but also to successfully close the gap between their target market.

Having grown up in a world which has, for the most part, offered instant and abundant information with the help of technology, it is imperative that this group gains real-time access to the type of content and information they need at all times. With their current social, political, and economic environments providing avenues to achieve immediate and accurate content, so must applications follow in their wake.

Efficient and Systematic Lifestyle

People from this generation are often called entitled and impatient. However, it is important to bear in mind that these individuals have almost always gained access to what they want or need with the help of technology. This is perhaps the reason why this particular generation is consumed by the need for efficiency and organization.

For example, applications such as iTunes and Kindle allow users prompt access to music and books with the touch of a finger. This eliminates the need to go to brick and mortar establishments to purchase their needs, thus offering consumers a more convenient, efficient, and systematic approach that perfectly complements their fast-paced lifestyle.

As self-proclaimed digital natives, millennials are attracted to designs that offer them a smooth user experience, allowing them to maximize their use every time. Alongside this, mobile app development takes into account the need of these individuals – such as a simpler and easily navigable interface, sleeker and minimalist aesthetics, efficient design.

While mobile design tends to forge its own path, the process of development shows that time and time again, mobile app design changes to accommodate the needs and wants of its target audience. To meet these looming demands, users can expect applications to integrate more features that address these concerns.

While millennials may seem such a demanding audience, their advanced perceptions, and insights in the field offer brands and companies opportunities for growth and improvement. By employing a more streamlined and personal approach, businesses can foster a deeper relationship with this millennial generation.

Why Does ASO Matter for App Store Success

Post contribution by: Gummicube

Building an app is the first half of the battle, the other is marketing it – so where do you begin? From social media to press releases to deep linking, there are so many ways to market your app, but one key method is through App Store Optimization (ASO). ASO involves studying how the App Store and Play Store algorithms work, then using those insights to help your app get discovered within them.

Where Do Apps Get Discovered? 

There are several channels through which users can discover apps: through social media, news sites, inside of other apps, and of course, being featured on the App Store or Play Store. However, the majority of app discovery happens through search. In fact, 70% of app downloads happen as result of searches.

As such, if a developer wants to maximize their app’s discoverability, they’ll want to focus on visibility within keyword search results. While social buzz and getting featured are great, it’s essential to not overlook organic.

How to Get Discovered in Search 

For an app to get found in searches, it will need to include the right keywords in its metadata. Metadata includes the text fields such as the title, subtitle and keyword bank on iOS, or the title, short description and long description on Google Play.

A keyword is any term that a user may be using when searching for an app on the stores. By targeting the right keywords, an app can increase its chances of being discovered by the right audience. The stores crawl the metadata and determine what keywords and phrases an app is relevant for- without declaring and targeting the right keywords, an app has lower chances of discoverability.

In order to maximize your optimization efforts, you’ll want to use ASO software to help identify the best keywords for your app.

Turning Impressions into Installs

While keywords are vital to ASO, ranking for a keyword does not automatically guarantee installs. The messaging and creative presentation within the app’s store listing play a major role in its ASO strategy.

An app’s screenshots should communicate important features and offerings in seconds. Since users only spend a few moments reviewing an app’s listing before deciding if they want to install it, these seconds can be vital.

As with keyword research, it’s important to understand what creative elements drive conversions in an app’s category. This can include the fonts and colors used, the features highlighted, or even the screenshot orientation – choosing portrait or landscape mode is more than just an aesthetic decision.

Understanding what works and what doesn’t work for creative sets can help successful apps stand out. Those that succeed are those that research trends / best practices and run tests to find creative elements that attract users the best.


Building an app is a challenge, but getting it discovered is another one altogether. By incorporating App Store Optimization into an app’s marketing strategy, app developers and marketers can increase the app’s chances of getting discovered and installed.

When looking at all the available channels at one’s disposal, it’s clear that organic searches within the App Store and Play Store provide the most user attention. To optimize for that, it’s important to target relevant keywords in the app’s metadata so that the stores’ algorithms can index the app for them.

Additionally, it’s just as important to use well-designed creatives. Using engaging, communicative creative elements can help convert users that discover your app. 

When it comes to app store success, ASO is a key driver in it. Not utilizing ASO means leaving large amounts of opportunity on the table. By following the necessary steps and practices, one can be sure they’re doing all they can to get their app discovered. ASO can help an app grow and reach new users in the App Store and Play Store by optimizing its reach and performance on the most popular channel for user discovery and acquisition. For these reasons, App Store Optimization can make a big difference in an app’s success.

Core Mobile App Development Featured in 2019 Clutch Report on Top B2B companies in Florida

Since our founding in 2013, Core Mobile App Development has been providing web development, design and SEO services to
companies all around the country. Our team of experts is highly specialized in the latest UX skills, programming languages and
development methods to help your business expand and reach your goals. Originally located exclusively in Florida cities, we
have expanded to Georgia and Silicon Valley locations. We are excited to announce we have been awarded a spot in Clutch’s
2019 report as one of the top mobile app developers and B2B companies in Florida.

To see the full list of award winners, visit the announcement on Clutch’s website. Companies are organized according to their state, grouped into one of four categories based on the services they offer, and listed by Clutch rank.

Clutch is a unique ratings and reviews startup located in Washington, DC. The team at Clutch has developed a methodology to select the top B2B service providers in a wide variety of industries and locations. After careful analysis of industry data and conducting in-depth client interviews, Clutch is able to award each firm with a score. We were awarded with a 4.8 score.
We would like to thank our clients for their valuable feedback and for taking part in the comprehensive reviews process. Below is a client testimonial from one of our most recent development projects.

“Share your vision with the Core Mobile team and then just trust in their skills. They provide valuable advice not only in app development, but in website direction and marketing strategy as well,” said an Executive Director, Stroke Awareness Foundation.

Additionally, we have earned a recognition on Clutch’s sister-sites, The Manifest and Visual Objects. The Manifest is a business news platform with the goal of informing potential buyers of the marketplace with their state of tech news, how to guides and industry rankings. Here, we are listed as among the top software developers in the Orlando area. Visual Objects is designed to
showcase the creative efforts of firms by not only ranking companies, but listing their portfolio as well. We can be found here listed as one of the top developers.

We are so thrilled to have been recognized by Clutch. None of these recognitions would be possible without the hard work of our employees. If our team could offer you web services to help you reach your goals, get in touch today!

To view our other Clutch awards, see below:

Top Considerations in Mobile App Development Projects

5 Key Considerations in Mobile App Development Projects

When investing in mobile applications, you need to consider many things before you give the green light to the project. Even as mobile apps are now crucial to boost brand presence in any business, you don’t just hire mobile app developers and create one for your business. Like any investment decision, you need to think over many things first before funding the project.

According to Nielsen, the average mobile user has installed 41 apps from just 32 on their mobile device from 2011 to 2012. This figure is expected to rise further this year. The majority of smartphone users (85%) prefer using mobile apps over mobile websites because of their convenience, speed, and user-friendliness. What’s more, apps don’t give users problems than responsive sites.

But app users have also become less tolerant of inferior applications. A Compuware survey found that 79% of app users said they would only give an app only one or two more tries if it didn’t work as they expect on the first try. Only less than one-fourth (16%) of them said they would give an application more than two chances.

With these studies, you can see that while users have a penchant for installing an application on their handheld devices, they also expect that this software delivers outstanding performance and value. Anything less is doomed for getting uninstalled.

Mobile App Development Considerations

So before hiring a professional mobile app development agency to kick off your mobile app development project, you need to consider many factors first. Here are some of them:

Concept proofing

In software development, a proof of concept refers to an activity that will determine the feasibility of an idea. This will answer the question, “Will the application be a solution to a problem that users is currently facing?”

Not all businesses need to develop and manage a mobile app. For some companies, having an online presence on social media is enough, especially when you’re still at the startup phase. Instead of focusing on developing an application that can cost you a lot of money, you may need to delay the development of the application at a future date.

To gauge the likelihood of success of your application, you must know its purpose, your budget, your business requirements, and how useful and accessible it would be once you’ve launched it,

Target Audience

Having a brilliant idea for your app is not a guarantee for success. You first need to study your audience well and understand them thoroughly. Millennials are the top smartphone users according to Nielsen.   Many of app concepts only provide a solution to a specific task or functionality rather than a particular market. If you realize that the application you’re developing caters only to a small portion of your target audience (say enhancing brand awareness), you may invest in other methods like spending more on digital marketing or social media marketing than coming up with an application that only a few would download.

Mobile platform

Part of understanding your audience is finding out whether they are iOS or Android users. If you want to develop native mobile applications, you may need to focus on a particular platform that you should focus first. Each platform has its programming language (Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android). While modern technologies allow developers to build (hybrid) applications using cross-platform frameworks such as Ionic, Xamarin, and others, they might not run the features that you want your users to enjoy.

Don’t get me wrong; hybrid apps can be advantageous to a certain degree such as cost efficiency and ability to run in different platforms such as PCs. But if you want a more robust application, you need to consider developing native applications

So, aside from determining whether you concentrate on iOS or Android users, you should also consult with your mobile app developers in Orlando whether native apps or hybrid apps work best for your concept, given the features of your app and your budget.


To make your application engaging to your audience, you should plan for a good design that would allow your users to easily consume your content and avail your service without getting frustrated in your app’s complicated user interface. Always consult with your mobile app development team on coming up with a great design, one that has simple navigation, readable text, high-quality photos, and regular customer service feature.

Security Issues

Data breaches are now getting more and more rampant. Almost every day, you can hear news of hackers gaining access to customer data from large companies. They can penetrate the database of your users and use their information such as bank accounts, Social Security numbers, and other sensitive details for their benefit.

As a business, you don’t want to compromise the privacy and information of your customers. You need to check if the mobile app developers you’ll hire have enough knowledge and skills in protecting the data of your users, If not, you may need to find others that can provide better data protection for your customers.

Investing in mobile apps should not be done in haste. You need thorough planning to avoid developing applications that would only frustrate your customers.


Native vs Hybrid App Development: Which One Should You Choose?

Smartphones and tablets are practically worthless without the apps that run on them. Since the emergence of smartphones, developers are seeking ways to deliver the best types of mobile applications for users to download.

The rise in mobile app popularity is evident by simply looking at the latest market data reports. According to Statista, mobile phone users downloaded a total of 178.1 billion apps globally in 2017. This figure is expected to surge to 258.2 billion in 2022.

As more and more people are glued to their smartphones, companies and entrepreneurs are scrambling to establish a connection to mobile users by utilizing one of the two types of app development protocols – Native or Hybrid.

The question is which one should your company or start-up choose?

Here is a detailed walkthrough on Native and Hybrid apps as well as their pros and cons.

What are Native Apps?

Native mobile apps are created for a specific device/platform. These often times include Android, iOS, Windows, and Blackberry. Mobile app developers often use the software development kits (SDK) of certain hardware platforms, software frameworks, or operating systems. These applications are developed using the following programs:

  • Objective-C or Swift for iOS
  • Java or Kotlin for Android
  • C# or .NET for Windows Phone

Advantages of Native Apps

  • Rich user experience – App designers and developers can focus on customizing the app’s functionality to a specific platform with its language, specific elements, and set gestures. All these aspects enable developers to achieve a sense of unity and let users navigate through the interface more intuitively. Moreover, native applications can also extensively use offline mode capabilities.
  • High performance – An application created and optimized for a specific platform will have a high level of performance. Since the developers “speak” using the language of the device, they can deal with the battery and memory consumption issues to achieve the best results.
  • Better security – Native apps can take full advantage of the built-in security features of a device’s platform and operating system(OS). Moreover, native apps have the privilege of obtaining the performance enhancement updates of the OS.
  • Full functionality – Native apps have full access to databases and hardware features of a device. Moreover, their functionality will not get compromised by plugins or any other third-party programs or tools.
  • Can Run Offline – Native applications don’t need an Internet connection to run. Since they are installed within a device, they can work anywhere as long as the device is functioning properly.

Disadvantages of native apps

  • Higher development costs – The development process of a native app is complicated and requires the participation of many qualified development team members.
  • Longer development timeframe – Native apps generally need more time to be completed and launched, mainly if you’re targeting to launch apps for different platforms at the same time. You may choose simultaneous development if you need apps for Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

What are Hybrid Apps?

Hybrid apps are created as a single app but can run on different platforms, meaning this application acts like a native app but is developed using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It is basically a web-based program stored in a native app shell connected to the device. Because of this feature, it behaves very similarly to a native app.

Just like Native apps, users can download them from a certain platform’s app store (Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android).

Advantages of Hybrid Apps

  • Ability to work across multiple platforms –  Its capacity to run on different platforms makes it appealing to many stakeholders. Hybrid apps can run both Android and iOS, even with just one code base. Unlike native apps, there is no need to build an app for each platform.
  • Faster to build –  Creating a hybrid app is far less time-consuming compared to native ones as developers don’t have to create a separate programs for each platform.
  • Easier to adjust and update –  Because there is only a single codebase, developers do not have to work with each platform separately to make adjustments and updates of various elements. Often, the change can be applied to all platforms. Updates related to bug fixes and enhancements are better implemented in hybrid applications. Users do not need to download the latest version of your app manually through app stores to get rid of an annoying bug that has appeared for quite some time. If any problem takes place on a page loaded from the server, developers can fix that quickly, and users will get the updated or corrected version the next time they launch the app.
  • Cheaper to build –  Developers can create hybrid applications that can run on both iOS and Android in just about the same time required to build one native app for another platform. This shorter development time tends to make the final cost of the app cheaper.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps

  • Needs Internet connection(sometimes) –  Hybrid apps are essentially websites displayed as an app. Thus, users usually need a constant internet connection to access the full range of its features. Moreover, hybrid apps often take more time to load all their elements so some work slower. Because of this feature, hybrid applications are best suited for content-oriented apps, which are not overloaded with complex functions.
  • Limited capabilities –  Hybrid applications can rely heavily on plugins to be able to access the built-in features of a particular device. In time, these plugins get outdated or unreliable/unstable. Also, developers may need to come up with plugins on their own when there are no ready-made solutions to access a specific part of the devices functionality.
  • Slightly compressed user experience –  Because of the cross-platform operability, the user experience of hybrid applications can be less than stellar since it should run using the interface of both iOS and Android platforms. If the app focuses on Android users, the experience would be worse for iOS users and vice versa.
  • May require native app developers –  Hybrid app development still falls short in addressing a variety of functional problems for native development. You may still need a native developer as a member of your development team to create a quality product.

Summary: Which one should I choose?

Native apps work best if you need applications that require full functionality, speed and security. Apps with advanced features like banks and e-commerce sites will work better if developed under the Native approach. However, if you want an app where you need to update your content frequently, such as ones for blogging, the hybrid version is better. Hybrid apps are usually the way to go for start ups due to lower costs and faster development times but it’s completely up to you in which approach will be the best for your specific project.


CMA Named One Of The Top Developers in Atlanta and Miami!

We’re thrilled to announce our inclusion in Clutch’s “best mobile app development companies in Miami and Atlanta“.

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Thank you again to all our family, clients, and friends! Stay up-to-date with our Clutch profile here and don’t hesitate to reach out here to begin working with us on your next great idea.