What Is Evergreen Content and How To Create Content That Goes The Distance

If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, then you know how much work goes into creating blog content. From writing to editing to design and promotion, it can take hours to produce a single blog post. It can be easy to think that the hard work ends when your post is published, but it doesn’t! As any blogger knows, there’s always more work to be done — posts need to be promoted, responses need to be given to reader comments, and so on. But what if there was a way for your posts to keep working for you even after they’re written? What if there was a way for them to continue bringing in traffic months or even years after they were published? There is! This is called evergreen content (or sometimes just “evergreen,”) and it’s at the heart of all successful blogs. In this article, I’ll explain exactly what it means and how you can use it as part of your own blogging strategy.

What content is evergreen?

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is the kind of content that’s useful and relevant to a specific audience at any point in time. Evergreen content isn’t necessarily time-sensitive, but it can be!

  • It was created with the intention of remaining useful for years after it was originally published—and this means your work will not become irrelevant overnight.
  • Evergreen content doesn’t need to be updated or changed as new trends emerge and technologies evolve; however, it should still remain current enough so readers find it interesting and helpful (if they’re reading it several years after its initial publication).

Why do we create evergreen content?

Why do we create evergreen content?

Evergreen content is created with the intention of being relevant to your audience at any point in time. This means that it’s not time-sensitive, so you don’t need to worry about creating new versions of it every year or updating it with current facts and figures. It also means that once you publish the article, you can leave it up there because it will still be interesting for years to come. You don’t need to worry about replacing old posts with new ones; let them sit on your blog and see what happens!

Evergreen content isn’t just for blogs either – there are plenty of other places where you can use this kind of material: infographics, webinars/videos/podcasts/etc., ebooks…the list goes on!

How does one create evergreen content?

How does one create evergreen content?

You need to make sure you’re answering questions that people are asking in Google, but also make sure you’re telling them something they don’t already know.

To do that, you need to use a keyword research tool like Google Trends and check the “historical data” tab. This will show you how long people have been searching for a certain topic over time. You can also look at what terms people are using in their search queries to see if there are any long-tail variations of your topic (usually words with three or more syllables).

Evergreen content is a key component of a successful marketing strategy and should be created with an audience-centric approach.

Evergreen content is a key component of a successful marketing strategy and should be created with an audience-centric approach. The purpose of evergreen content is to provide your target market with information that will help them make informed decisions while remaining relevant (and useful) over time.

With the right strategy in place, you can create and publish evergreen content that will continue to drive traffic to your site months down the line without having to worry about any negative impact on search rankings due to outdated or irrelevant information. In fact, it’s often much more effective than traditional blog posts because they allow you to keep feeding readers with valuable information without having to worry about losing them every few weeks when a new post goes live!


The bottom line is that creating evergreen content that will perform for years to come requires a combination of data-driven analysis, strategic keyword targeting, and a deep understanding of your target audience. At least once a year you should assess your content marketing strategy to see how your evergreen content performed in the previous 12 months and adjust accordingly. This will give you the best chance of maintaining and optimizing the performance of your evergreen content while at the same time ensuring it remains relevant to your audience.

5 Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress Website for Better Rankings

With so much of your site’s ranking potential tied up in speed these days, any improvements to your site’s performance will help you get better rankings. In the end, a faster website can only lead to good things. We certainly don’t mean to imply that speeding up your site will provide you with traffic and ranking results overnight or that it is a loophole that you can use in place of other SEO best practices. Instead, it’s one more thing to consider when doing your on-site SEO analysis.

The strategies we’ve outlined here should go a long way towards helping you improve your site’s loading time and, consequently, its SEO. 

What is WordPress Site Speed Optimization?

The importance of site speed optimization on SEO and conversions cannot be stressed enough. If your website takes too long to load, most users will simply click away from it. This can cost you a lot of business opportunities and potential rankings on Google because slow-loading websites are usually not considered mobile-friendly by search engines.

Here’s how you can use Google PageSpeed Insights to check how fast your site loads:

  • Go to the following link: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/#report-card
  • Under the “Speed Score” column, select a score greater than 80% (80–99%) for better results

Reduce the Number of HTTP Requests

  • Reduce the Number of HTTP Requests

The first thing you should do is reduce the number of plugins you use. This can be done by combining files, lazy loading, and using a CDN. In general, it’s best practice to only use one plugin per function (for example, don’t install two SEO plugins). You can also manually combine or minify CSS and JavaScript files in WordPress by installing a plugin like Autoptimize or WP Super Cache. By combining CSS and JavaScript files into one file, you reduce HTTP requests as well as save bandwidth for users with slower connections.

  • Lazy Loading Image Dimensions

By default, WordPress does not load images until they are scrolled into view—this is called lazy loading. It saves on page load time because users won’t have to download these images unless they actually see them on their screen during standard browsing patterns before scrolling down past them (as opposed to having everything already loaded when they arrive at your site).

Reduce the Size of Images

Images are an essential part of every website. They help convey meaning and provide an aesthetic but slow downloading time because they’re often large in size. To speed up your WordPress site, you should compress images by using a plugin or optimizing them through a photo-editing program before uploading them to your site. If you have the means to use a CDN (content delivery network), this is also highly recommended as it will decrease bandwidth usage and load times for your visitors.

Use TinyPNG for free to reduce image file sizes by up to 65%. For example, saving an image as 80% quality results in a typically 10% smaller file than its original size! This option works well if you don’t want to spend hours working on each individual photo—just resize ’em all at once from within the TinyPNG dashboard!

Use a WordPress Caching Plugin

In order to speed up your WordPress website, it’s best to use a caching plugin. Caching plugins work by storing static files and serving them up when a visitor requests them, rather than generating those pages on-the-fly with each request.

This means that you won’t be bogged down by PHP scripts that can slow down your site and might even be showing errors. You’ll also reduce the number of database queries needed when loading pages.

A popular choice is WP Rocket—it is highly recommended by many developers and experts in web optimization. The free version gives you basic functionality like page caching (a must), image compression, minification of HTML & CSS resources, and browser caching (to speed things up). The paid version has features like auto-minification for CSS & JavaScript files and an easy way to redirect users from HTTP to HTTPS protocol.

Once installed and activated on your site’s dashboard, click on “Advanced Settings” under Caching Options to start configuring this plugin with additional settings such as cache lifetime or maximum size limit per page/post ID.

Enable GZIP Compression

GZIP compression is a technology that compresses files before transferring them to the browser. It can reduce file sizes by 70% or more, which means faster load times for your site and less work for your web host (and, therefore, less money for you).

Enable GZIP Compression

To enable GZIP compression, go to Settings > Performance in the WordPress admin area and select either “Lite” or “Full.” Lite will compress .css files only, while Full will compress everything except images. You can also ensure that Minify Database Calls is enabled if you have time constraints or don’t mind waiting longer than necessary for your pages to load.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll have a better grasp of how to speed up your WordPress site.

Hiring the Best SEO Company in Florida

If you are looking to improve your SEO efforts, it is time to hire an SEO company. The question is – how to hire the best SEO Company in Florida to work with your business?

This guide will help you identify the right SEO agency for your business and make it easy to choose the best fit.

Ask from friends, colleagues

Your existing network is a great source of recommendations for SEO providers, especially if they are business owners in your industry. Asking your network will help you find people who are willing to give honest reviews. It will point you in the right direction.

Request an honest estimate

If you decide to contact an SEO agency/consultant, it is important to get an honest estimate of the cost of their services for your site. Also, ask how long they have been in this field. You should avoid any provider who is vague about the services they provide. An experienced SEO agency will be able to tell you how much work it takes to optimize your website, how long it will take, how much it will cost, etc.

What do they offer?

Although many providers offer an all-in-one SEO package, it is important to avoid them y anyone who believes that one size fits all. It is important to find a provider who will spend the time to get to know your business, create a strategy that fits your needs and your audience. Ask about the SEO package. These services could include SEO on-page, local SEO, and technical optimization.

Ask them how they measure the results

While every business owner wants to be at the top, SEO is more than just ranking your website in Google. Reputable SEO providers know that the ultimate goal of any SEO strategy should be to make the business more money. They will look at key performance indicators, other than just rankings. These metrics should communicate the true value and importance of SEO.

Schedule a call

It is a good idea to meet face-to-face with potential providers before you sign the contract. Communication over the phone may not be suitable. It is a good idea to do some research before you sign up with a new SEO company. It will allow you to find out more about their approach and the results they have generated for existing clients. It does not mean you have to choose the first SEO Company you have seen. You can compare the options, get second opinions, or look at different providers.

Visit their social media pages

Many SEO companies are active socially. To find out if this company is one you want to work with, do not forget to check their social media pages for articles and posts. You should also look for evidence they have generated sales, traffic, or leads for their clients. It is a great opportunity to get to know the provider and their approach to SEO. A good agency will take the time to understand your business and develop a strategy that will help you get the best SEO results.

If you are looking to hire an SEO Company to help your business grow, feel free to contact us!